ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe you think it's the ice cream he is after. That would be a logical leap to take,
given that most folks seek out the ice cream truck and his inane music because he sells tasty treats.
Xaye - he is the exception to the rule. I am not surprised, but certainly amused. We have shifted our evening schedule after a recent debacle:
previous routine:
(here comes the disruption)
Xaye hears the ice cream truck and goes ballistic, insisting he must see the ice cream man
bath ends abruptly
Xaye misses ice cream truck.
Xaye is bitter.
snack time.
Still bitter.
bed time.
less bitter.
new routine.
same as above, but bathtime occurs right after dinner.
then, we spend the evening either
a) running outside to watch people at the ice cream truck and dance
b) walking the neighborhood and plotting the ice cream man's next maneuver (not stalking).

This week we were walking and the ice cream man crested the top of our block. Xaye grabbed my face on both sides, excited "ICE CREAM TRUCK, MAMA!".
Wow. So easy to please. and a great Ice Cream Music dancer - makes the repetitive music a little easier to listen to. Video forthcoming.
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