Tigers and Bears and Skunks, oh my
Recently Xaye and I visited Bubbe and Foffe in Albuquerque. There were a lot of neighbors who were happy to meet and play with Xaye, and many new toys entered the Goldstine household. Few left with us, one being a stuffed animal.
Now, Xaye is not generally a "I-have-a-specific-toy-I-must-always-have kind of kid. Well, he wasn't, until "Bear".

Yes, "Bear" is the tiger, who read every book on the flight back from Albuquerque and was offered snack after snack.
"Bear" hasn't gone and many field trips so far, but give it time - he already has his own set of clothes.
Xaye insisted.
Jerome also brought a friend home for "Bear". He is a skunk and his name is "Cat". "Cat" and "Bear" like to hug one another, Xaye, myself, Pop, and

Tonight "Bear" and "Cat" both got their teeth brushed and got into bed before Xaye. He told them "be back" as we put on his pajamas. Once in the crib, he pulled his two buddies close and say "night night" as I closed the door.
I know what you are thinking. Sickening. That is SO CUTE it makes me physically ill.
I know. But don't you just LOVE IT?

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