Xaye is, at times. easily frustrated. I know, hard to believe, as he is 2 years old. When he gets frustrated, things crash.
Well, actually
first his face get's all scrunched up. His eyes water, his brows furrow - and he says "uh-oh".
then things crash.
if you catch him, you can engage him in deep breathing, trying again, or my favorite, "oh man".
and he says it with such flair - such intonation! He really sounds exasperated.
When you help him fix it or do deep breathing, he shows he gratitude by uttering
"thank you, welcome".
and returns to play. when he crashes, he often curls up on the floor and pouts. Iff you imitate the pouting, he laughs and jumps up. If you ignore the pouting, he repositions himself in your line of sight and begins again.
We have covered a lot of territory with Xaye having 'do-over' tantrums and then finally giving up. I want to get a thingee (pictured below) and pull it out every time.

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