What's Xaye up to?

Thursday, July 24, 2008


We are spending our summer at Camp Greentop in Sabillasville, MD. We arrived in early June and began a summer of work and inevitable camp escapades. Thus far, Jerome was working full time, now is not, I was really busy, but now less so, Xaye had 2 playmates (the nurse, Ginger, had her kids here) and now he doesn't. We drove them to Dulles this morning.

Xaye has blossomed this summer - initially overwhelmed by attention and nearly 100 adults, he is now immersed in the camp community - visiting different table groups at lunch, participating and helping in activities, attending outings (thus far to Pizza Hut and bowling), singing karoake, helping at campfires, and responding well to all different types of situations and interactions with campers in attendance.

He has slowly acclimated to the multiple address syndrome - home in Baltimore, days at camp, and nights at a house in Thurmont where some staff stay due to a shortage of housing on camp (they have added 3 programs and 15 staff in the past 6 years and the camp is in National Park and additional buildings are not easily added).

Camp is everything I remember from my first year as a teen - I encouraged the boys to come with me to share the experience I remember fondly. Announcements at meals, skits, campfire songs, Tacky Tuesday, arts and crafts projects that never completely dry, soggy swimsuits and camp life.

The staff here are incredible - supportive, patient, playful, and accountable with Xaye - and their day-to-day interactions with one another and the campers. I am proud to be a part of this community and see so many inspiring interactions every day.

We are in session 4 of 6 - the youth sessions will end our summer and challenge our ability to live sleep-deprived. Xaye's birthday will be shared with the camp community -he has been talking about it for weeks....

During the day Xaye rides his bike, visits with the horses on site, grows increasingly confident in the pool, plays sports, attends arts and crafts, naps in the director's cabin, and helps clean and complete a variety of tasks - delivering laundry, setting / clearing tables, sweeping, getting water for campers, delivering supplies.....

Jerome is a stay-at-camp dad who enjoys never cooking a meal and lots of play time with Xaye. Sometimes he and Xaye walk camp with me and check cabins to see who has won the silver bucket/urinal for the day. Jerome has also volunteered to help with evening program and with driving for trips as needed - he went on outings to the movies and a local pub, along with fishing earlier this summer.

I am grateful to my family for supporting this choice and participating in our summer festivities. While I miss Javier and Alex, who are staying with Bubbe and Foffe, we will be reunited soon in New Mexico as my job hunt continues.....


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