Oh, is that right?
At this point, Xaye is using some words (not always words I recognize, but he seems convinced they link to a variety of objects). When asked "can you say...." he will say it! (sometimes). We practiced bubbe for like, 2 weeks, then my mother comes to visit, and there is one "BUBBE" in the middle of a meal, followed by a "FOFFY!" that we haven't heard since. Even "JESSE" was blurted out while sorting toys, but once Jesse walked in the room, he was 'hey you' all over again.
For the holidays, Uncle Jesse brought a plethora of spidey items that Xaye will grow into over the next 4 years, and he instantly glued himself to the refrigerator magnets, carrying them to meals and all.
Xaye is also developing a bit of a shoe fetish, bringing anyone who will respond to him a pair of shoes or slippers and waiting for them to help put them on his feet. It continues to be a delight to watch as he learns numbers, shapes, and colors, and Xaye is so impressed with everything that crosses his path.
Now that the weekend comes to an end, I anticipate that Xaye will show an increased interest in reading (if that is possible) as he has been carrying books to Bubbe all weekend and then plopping down or circling as the book is read with gusto and pictures are reviewed and critiqued to enhance the plot.
All in all, the adults in the house fine themselves researching ways to best parent - and teach - Xaye. What a powerful influence he has become!