What's Xaye up to?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Big Brother

9 months has been an eternity (for us all, at times) and Xaye is finally able sit on mama's lap again! His brother Quincy arrived a week early (July 13) and Xaye has been eager to help, hold, fix, explain, and share with the new baby.

It hasn't all been sunshine and roses - there is plenty of testing and lots of attention to where attention is focused, however, we are off to a strong start. Bubbe and Foffe showered Xaye with attention while mama and pop were in the hospital and GPops, Nanny, Leilah, and Uncle Jesse are coming out to visit for Xaye's birthday next month.

Xaye continues to shine as a considerate, insightful, outspoken person who loves a good silly book and is becoming increasingly tolerant of scary situations, even ones that Scooby Doo faces on a daily basis.

I love listening to his explanations for why things happen the way they do - and appreciate his growing flexibility about cause and effect. Keep on shining, crazy legs.