What's Xaye up to?

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Tonight Xaye met Roscoe.
Xaye is already requesting a visit to Target.
He wants to visit Roscoe.

I can only imagine where this journey will take us.

This weekend Pop is visiting Rubio in NY. Yesterday, thanks to help from friends, I was able to work a 1/2 day and get to the doctor. I formally bow to every stay at home parent - and bow 10 tens to single parents. Wow - that was a long 1/2 day.

Thanks to my friends for their help - and to Xaye for being fabulous. Because, well, he is.

Today we went to the learning store in Towson and Xaye played, played, played with everything in sight.

The day is not long enough for the exploring we want to do together....here's to Sunday!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Ahhh sleep...

I remember when Xaye was only a month or so old and he wouldn't sleep in his bassinet. I had to put him in his car seat, rock him for 20 minutes, then sit him on top of a running dryer. After the dryer ran for 10 minutes, I would try to move him back to the bassinet.

5 minutes later, I would repeat the above scenario.

Xaye is sleeping soundly in his own bed tonight. All night long.