What's Xaye up to?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mr. Personality

What I will remember most about Xaye as a small child is what a character he is. He narrates his play, animates his food, performs an action while simultaneously stating the verb.

Given the opportunity, he would drink his meals and have fruit chews (chewy things) at every snack opportunity. he can hear the ice cream man as the truck enters our community and always forgets to bring his allowance when we go shopping.

we have been reading 2 books with him every night since he was just a few months old and he covets book reading time. We tried sleepovers this spring and he is officially a huge fan. He loves to ride his scooter and collecting rocks is nearly as enjoyable as playing with the trains at Explora.

his drawings speak volumes (loves dinosaurs, wishes we had a two story house, has invisible characters, likes to create self portraits that resemble robots) and he wore his rainbow cape to school for nearly a week this winter.

he competes fiercely with quincy and in one breath with offer to help, in the next, will demand equal treatment (can i try his snack?).

bath time goes more smoothly when xaye joins quincy then it does when quincy joins xaye. xaye tests every toy that quincy brings home and things it is hilarious to throw things at quincy's head (quincy's laughter only encourages him).

he struggles with some friendships that he cannot depend on, yet desires, and he talks about his friends in baltimore, leilah and brian. he imagines re-visiting places we have been; camp greentop, phoenix, special places in baltimore).

he draws pictures for foffe and then forgets to mail them, and when something breaks, he is sure foffe can fix it.

he has enjoyed gardening with bubbe and loves exploring my parents house. sometimes he asks if we can go to their house and wants to call them to ask what they are doing. it is so delightful to see my parents interact with him - and to watch as they develop a relationship and begin to understand one another.

it's good to be here.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

As the world turns.

Watching Xaye with Quincy has been delightful. He is quick to review and test incoming toys, find new ways to make his brother laugh, and makes every attempt to teach him new things; crawling, touching and using toys, and singing songs. Xaye has discovered that when Quincy has a pacifier, Xaye's toys are safe for Quincy because his mouth is already occupied.

Xaye has offered to help dress and change his brother and makes every effort to sooth him in the car and ensure that his brother has a toy.

I am so proud of all that Xaye does to include his brother and consider Quincy's feelings. What a pair!