What's Xaye up to?

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Look who's got locks!

Dreadlocks. Xaye went last Saturday to get them done. I can't say it was the most pleasant experience (for me that is), but he made it through 2 hours of hair pulling,combing, and twisting. Notice I didn't mention anything about him not crying.

So now we just need try and not mess with his hair for a month, and they should lock up just fine.


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Are you SURE that's not a bee??

When we are playing outside, Xaye has become distracted by ants - which he refers to as bees.

Thus, the conversation that follows is a list of all of the animals that live outside.

Needless to say, a lot of animals live outside. As time passes, I watch him collect and move toys from various spots in the yard in an effort to avoid playing near the ants. Then, the discussion about animals who also live outside begins. This cycle goes on for 30-45 minutes.

I continue to encourage him to observe the ants, hang out with the ants, share general space with the ant....not so much. The cycle continues.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Hold on


Cousin Leilah

Saturday was leilah's 3rd birthday party. Xaye couldn't make it, he was
in Cleveland visiting friends. As you can see, she had a good time, and
she especially enjoyed Xaye's present, a pretend doctor kit which
included a stethoscope, glasses, and a scalpel.

