Reason (oh, and rhyme too)
Didn't see this coming. The kid's got sense. I mean, I KNOW the kid's got sense, but not the ability to reason-sort-of-sense. I just had this newborn, then....BAM. i have a child who can negotiate.
Nap time ends. Child requests that nap time continue. I explain, not-so-much with more nap time, it's time to get up. So, we come downstairs and Xaye really wanted to play with trucks today.
i mean, streaking-down-the-stairs-running-into-the-arms-of-his-trucks-with-corny-music-in-the-background-excited.
Then, being the thoughtless evil human that I am, I tell Xaye we need to go to the store.
Cue meltdown.
Waiting for my opening.....ok. "Xaye, we have to go to the post office. Then we can come right home to play".
Meltdown halts immediately. Child willingly prepares to leave the house, reciting "post office, come home, trucks".