What's Xaye up to?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Xaye's New Schedule/Preschool

Xaye officially started with a new preschool in February. He is going three days a week, Weds - Fri, and he loves it! The school normally suggests a 2 week transition period where the parent is in the classroom with the child, starting on the first day with one hour of classroom time and increasing gradually over the 2 weeks. On the second week I am supposed to leave him in classroom alone. This is to help them get acclimated and used to other kids and teachers.

Well, Xaye was fine on the first day. He was running around and playing with the kids from the moment we walked in the door. His transition period ended up being about 3 days. When I drop him off, there are no attachment issues, he just runs for the toys and the other kids and I have to try and get his attention just to say goodbye to him! They are downtown 10 minutes away.


Isiah Ryan Clark

Monday, February 25th, Xaye's cousin arrived! Isaiah Ryan Clark was born at 1:11pm at Holy Cross Hospital. Xaye, Jen and I went down to visit Monday afternoon. It was nice to see a new member of the Willis family. Jackie, Ryan, Leilah and Isaiah are doing well...


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Too good to be true

Last night Xaye and I were getting ready for bedtime. We called pop in unison for story time and then ran to hide. We were hiding beneath the blankets next to the bed. Pop entered the room - "anyone hiding in here?" he called.

"nooooooooooo" xaye replied.

doesn't get any better than that.