What's Xaye up to?

Sunday, May 08, 2011

I can't believe it's been a year

Since my last post for Xaye. He has grown in so many ways this year - coming to understand what to do when a friend makes unkind choices, dealing with natural consequences (paying for rides home), meeting new friends and having a successful kindergarten year, and being a phenomenal big brother.

he just wants to play with quincy - and guide him, look out for him, help him out, encourage him, and share with him.

he is kind, patient, and easily emotional if quincy is demanding. (which he often is).

He loves to watch bugs, can't wait to go swimming, enjoys drawing scenes above and below the earth (especially the ocean).

he is determined to be treated with equity when it comes to quincy and does not advocate for special treatment as an older child. he has adjusted his bedtime, at times, to align with his brother's.

he loves dogs and talks about having one as a pet - and he can't wait for his ants to arrive in the mail. he loves sleepovers with dylan and playdates with cooper and ryan - and jaylyn down the street.

he recently saw the watcher players and had forgotten who they were.

he asked how many statues of liberty can fit in the meteor crater in western NM.

he wants to know why the moon is different sizes throughout the month.

this year when he has been teased about his hair, nailpolish, or other things, he has been confident to walk away or disagree with the person.

he tells me 'i find someone else to play with'.

i need to start a blog for quincy - and i am shocked i am realizing as he turns 2 that i haven't written for him as i have for xaye - just as we are warned as second-time parents, and something i didn't want to believe about myself!