Camping with the Boys
Back to Villaneuva, year 2. Our trip was abbreviated as we squeezed in the house inspection on Thursday evening and left early Friday. The boys played in the water and Dylan and Xaye had increasing independence in their play. The water was barely deep enough for the tubes and there were many discoveries, including a water snake, fish, and a mournful cry of a fox looking for her pups (it sounded like a trapped cat - the Camp Host told me not to worry, nothing living out here has the chance to be distressed, animals are consumed and you hear their last cry before that happens. nice).
Watching the boys play was a delight - so confident - Quincy swam, Xaye explored, and Dylan climbed 1/3 of the way up the rocks - thrilling himself as he afterwards proclaimed "That gets a high five!'.
At home Quincy continues to bat us each around as he alternates button pushing with demanding screams and gestures of exasperation. Yesterday he stormed into my closet 3 times in 5 minutes when I told him I couldn't understand his demands. "I am not talking to you". he told me as he whirled and stomped off.
Q continues to exasperate Xaye, and there are moments when I can catch his eye and help him see the reality - and we both laugh as Q tries to provoke him. At other times Xaye is at a loss - he scratches, hits, stomps on Q's feet, and relents as every toy he had is claimed and he storms off.
At the pool the boys are both fish - Q with his arm floats (worn for the first time this week - his face lit up when he realized his autonomy) and Xaye with his snorkling mask (which saves him the trouble of plugging his nose).